Michigan State Fair - 1910

Michigan Central Railroad Station, Detroit, MI, 1913 Track entrance
Bird's-eye view of fairgoers walking between exhibit tents at Michigan State Fair. Sign for Osborne Division, International Harvester Co. of America in background. Handwritten on back: "Fairs--Michigan State Fair, 1910."
National Automotive History Collection, Lazamick Collection
Physical rights are retained by DPL. Copyright is retained in accordance with U.S. copyright laws.

Burton Historical Collection Update

There is an update on the status of the Burton Historical Collection on their webpage.
Starting Tuesday, January 16, 2024, walk-in service will be available from 2 pm - 6 pm Tuesday through Saturday. Appointments can be scheduled at 12 pm and 6 pm on Tuesday and Wednesday; and from 10 am and 12 pm Thursday through Saturday.

Changed your email address?

Have you changed your email address and forgot to notify us?  This may be why you have not gotten notifications to our Zoom Meetings, invitations to our associated society meetings, or a copy of the DSGR Magazine if you opted for the digital version.  If you have changed your contact information, or just want to be sure what we have is accurate, email our Corresponding Secretary by clicking the link.

When Do You Need to Renew Your Membership?

The DSGR Board of Directors has voted to extend every active member's membership by one year due to the suspension of publication of the DSGR Magazine in the 2018-2019 publication term.   This has been completed.  You will be notified by email or snail mail when your membership is due for renewal.